Enlighten Us, But Make It Quick– IGNITE

24 06 2014

What happens when over 36 Instructional Designers from around the university system gather in one location? It’s a creativity fest where all participants walk away with new friends and new ideas. Thank you Dave Dannenberg and the UAA group for hosting this event this year.

One of my favorite take-aways from the conference was shared by UAF campus, and it’s called Ignite. Ignite is a way to present information, clearly, concisely, effectively and briefly!  There are Ignite events all over the world. Each presenter is permitted 20 slides which are advanced automatically after 15 seconds. That gives each presenter exactly 5 minutes.

Think about it — a subject you are passionate about, 20 slides and only 15 seconds per slide to tell your story. Exciting! Here are some tips:

  • Do not create a script or use notes to practice — rather, focus on the key points of each slide
  • Choose four or five key points that you want to make, then create your 20 slides
  • Your slides should support what you are saying, and have images flexible enough for you to gain or lose some time during your talk (you can even put the same image in twice if you need more time!)
  • Practice giving your Ignite talk

Match ignitingAt iTeach Juneau and Sitka this summer we talked about presenting our course and/or course objectives in more interesting ways. Why not try Ignite to explain to students the big idea of the course they are about to take? After all, isn’t this a topic that you are passionate about? Shouldn’t you be able to describe to them why this topic is so interesting and important with 20, 15 second slides?

THE CHALLENGE: Create an Ignite that describes YOUR course to students. We’ll record it for you!! You can use it at the start of your semester, you can use it to advertise for your course or we can have a UAS Ignite Event!! Let’s do it.

Image credit:philipdyer iStockPhoto.com

Learning Objectives and Course Goals

26 03 2014

Have you ever wondered what content sticks with your students after they complete your course? How much do they retain after five years? How about after ten years? Did they remember the main idea?

Standard II of the Peer Review process looks at some of the over-arching ideas that are essential in explaining the value of your course outside of the classroom setting. Join us on Monday, March 31st at 9 AM for our second installment of Thru the Lens. Tell other faculty about this unique chance to walk through two of your colleagues’ courses.

We will be looking at Marnie Chapman’s Biology 112:Human Anatomy and Physiology II, AND Maren Haavig’s Accounting 379: Fund and Governmental Accounting through the lens of Peer Review Standard II. Join us to see:

Peer Review Through the Lens

  • Different ways faculty use their syllabus to establish the course goals and clearly state class priorities.
  • Measurable course objectives written from a student’s view
  • Different ways to capture a student’s attention and focus it on the learning objectives
  • Ways faculty create clear and concise statements or checklists for assignments and due dates

Monday, March 31 at 9 AM we will use Collaborate  to meet so you can participate from your office or home. Please use the link shown, look for the “Tools Box” and click on “Participate Now” to attend. After joining the Collaborate session you will be given the information to log into each of the courses that we’ll be reviewing. Please have a headset with you so you participate by voice as well as text throughout the hour. If you have never done a Collaborate session before you might want to try logging in prior to the session to make sure you are ready at 9 am.

We hope you will join us for this session. It is a great way to see what other faculty are doing, share ideas, provide feedback and to gain more understanding of the peer review process and rubric. Mark your calendar today to reserve the date and time. We’ll post more information soon.

Thank you Marnie and Maren for opening up your courses for this mini-peer review session!

Image: ©iStockphoto.com/Sergpet


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