Happy Thanksgiving!

27 11 2013

I’m certain that for the next few days you will have plenty on your plate (I’m looking forward to filling mine), but if you find yourself with a little spare time to relax and reflect, and you missed some of the sessions from UAA’s eTech Fair, you are in luck, they were recorded and you can kick back and catch the session you were interested in.

Click the image below to view recorded webinars on creating banners, using Bb Collaborate, using Voicethread, creating a Bb Exemplary Course, virtual labs and many topics of interest.


eTech Fair: Distance Education Week | Nov. 11-15th 2013

29 10 2013

Online TrainingUAA invites you to attend the eTech Fair: Distance Education Week. Drop-ins are welcome and no pre-registration is required. The agenda is attached below, note that only UAA faculty are eligible for the door prizes. This is an ONLINE training, attend from your desk or home computer, via Collaborate!

Offerings include, Interactive Rubrics, VoiceThread, Making Banners and Editing Graphics and so much more.

Take advantage of one or more of these sessions, and come back and comment and tell us what you thought of this!

Many thanks to UAA for letting us attend!

eTech Fair Agenda

Image: ©iStockphoto.com/IvelinRadkov

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